Monday, October 21, 2013

Google rolling out 'I'm feeling lucky radio' to Play Music on Android and the web

There's something special about that moment when you discover a new song or artists to love. Now, perhaps as a way to make more of these moments possible, Google is bringing a feature dubbed "I'm feeling lucky radio" to its Play Music website and Android app. The search giant says it "gives you music you love at the push of a button" -- essentially, it creates a radio station that chooses songs for you based on previous listening history. It's worth mentioning this instant mix tool appears to be limited to All Access subscribers at the moment. And fret not if you're not seeing the "I'm feeling lucky" option right now; it's just started rolling out and it might be a little while before it shows up on your account.

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Mexico finds wreckage of missing small plane, 14 dead

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican officials in the northwestern Baja California peninsula said on Wednesday they had found the remains of a small aircraft that went missing on Monday, and said all 14 people aboard were killed.

"Sadly there are no survivors," Communications and Transport Minister Gerardo Ruiz said in a tweet.

The 20-seater plane, operated by private company Aereo Servicio Guerrero, went missing on Monday morning after setting off from Loreto International Airport headed for Ciudad Constitucion.

Aereo Servicio Guerrero did not reply to requests for comment.

Poor weather from Tropical Storm Octave had hampered the search for the plane.

(Reporting by Gabriel Stargardter; Editing by Eric Beech)

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Box Office (Specialty): '12 Years a Slave' Opens Big, Attracts Diverse Audience

Steve McQueen's harrowing drama 12 Years a Slave did impressive business in its theatrical debut, playing to both arthouse audiences and African-Americans as it continues to build awards momentum.

The Fox Searchlight release grossed $960,000 from 19 theaters in six top markets for an enviable location average of $50,526, by far the best of the weekend and one of the top averages ever for a movie opening in that number of theaters.

Produced by New Regency and Plan B -- Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner's company -- 12 Years a Slave has earned stellar reviews since its world premiere at the Telluride Film Festival. It also drew an A CinemaScore.

BOX OFFICE: 'Gravity' No. 1 Again With $31 Million; 'Fifth Estate' Flops With $1.7 Million 

The film, financed by New Regency, tells the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man living in upstate New York who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Chiwetel Ejiofor, who plays Northup, stars opposite Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Lupita Nyong'o, Sarah Paulson, Paul Giamatti, Alfre Woodward, Paul Dano and Pitt.

Searchlight distribution chief Frank Rodriguez said 12 Years a Slave "reached an incredibly diverse audience. Playing in theaters including Lincoln Plaza in New York and the Showcase Icon in Chicago, we have been attracting both the art/specialty cinephile crowd, as well as the African-American audience."

On Friday, 12 Years a Slave will expand into an additional six cities and increase its total theater count to more than 100.

Two other high-profile award contenders, All Is Lost and Kill Your Darlings, saw more mixed results in their debuts. They were likely hurt by the continued strength of adult dramas Gravity and Captain Phillips, as well as 12 Years a Slave.

The ocean-set All Is Lost, directed by Margin Call's J.C. Chandor and starring Robert Redford, grossed $97,350 from six theaters in Los Angeles and New York for a so-so location average of $16,225.

All Is Lost, however, could have strong sea legs thanks to Redford's star power and stellar reviews. The film -- about a sailor lost at sea -- isn't an easy sell, considering it has virtually no dialogue. Roadside Attractions and Lionsgate are distributing the film domestically.

Kill Your Darlings, from Sony Pictures Classics, opened to $57,722 from four theaters in Los Angeles and New York for a location average of $14,430. The film, set in 1944, stars Daniel Radcliffe as a young Allen Ginsberg, the iconic Beat poet, and Dane DeHaan as fellow poet William Burroughs.

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Watch: Mariah Carey Gets Back Movement In Her Injured Arm

"We have moments, darling"

Earlier this week, Mariah Carey announced to the world that she is finally ready to release new music again after she suffered a painful injury on a music video set over the summer that left her arm incapacitated in a sling for months. Today we learn that the sling (as fabulous as it was) is gone and Mimi now has movement back in her arm! MC shared the good news on her official Instagram profile by posting a short video that shows Mariah‘s recovery. At last, “we have moments, darling!” Click below to watch the video and see how well Mimi is doing these days.

“It’s moments dahhling!!”

While I’m very happy to see that Mariah is doing much better, I have to admit … I’m going to miss her brilliantly bedazzled arm slings :( Still, I’d much rather Mimi be well than injured … that way, she can get down to the business of releasing new music again. Her first new single, The Art of Letting Go, will be out in a few short weeks and then … maybe … we’ll get info on when she plans to release her new album. Now that Mariah is almost back to normal, she might be anxious to work her buns off to release as much music as possible for all the loyal Lambs who have been patiently waiting for her return.


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Oxford's Library Chooses Its First New Chair Design Since 1936

Oxford's Library Chooses Its First New Chair Design Since 1936

Oxford's Bodleian library—aka the Bod—is one of England's largest libraries, a 414-year-old research hub steeped in tradition and history. For example, only three types of chair have ever been designed for use inside its walls. Until now, that is: According to Co.Design, the library has chosen a fourth design to replace its older models.



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US, partners study Iran offer at Geneva talks

GENEVA (AP) — Six world powers sat down with Iran for a closer look Wednesday at what Tehran is describing as a possible breakthrough deal that could lessen suspicions it is interested in nuclear arms and lead to the easing of sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Iran says it is not interested in getting the bomb. Its proposal Tuesday to the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany focused on their demands that uranium enrichment and other activities that could be used to make nuclear arms be stopped or reduced.

No details were made public. But comments from Western officials meeting with Iranian negotiators indicated interest in the proposal, described by Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi as designed to allow Iran to leave the "dark" path of international isolation.

Iran's version of success is for painful international sanctions to be lifted in exchange for possible concessions it had been previously unwilling to consider, such as increased monitoring and scaling back of uranium enrichment — a potential path to nuclear arms and the centerpiece of the impasse with the West.

International talks designed to reduce fears that Iran may make such arms have been stalled for most of their 10-year history, with Tehran insisting it has no interest in weapons production, while resisting both enticements and sanctions designed to force it into ending uranium enrichment and other activities that could be used to make weapons.

But negotiations appear now to be driven by the new wind generated since reformist President Hassan Rouhani was elected in June.

Wednesday's meeting started several hours late, as the six powers discussed further steps among themselves before the talks resumed for a closer look at the proposal.

Asked for details beyond broad outlines made public by the Iranians ahead of the talks, a member of one of the delegations at the table said the plan offered reductions in both the levels of uranium enrichment being conducted by Iran and the number of centrifuges doing the enrichment — a key demand of the six powers.

An Iranian official said any plan would be implemented in three stages lasting from six months to a year. Both men demanded anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss the confidential plan.

Iran's state TV, which closely reflects government views, said Tehran offered to discuss uranium enrichment levels. The report also said Iran proposed adopting the additional protocols of the U.N.'s nuclear treaty — effectively opening its nuclear facilities to wider inspection and monitoring — if the West recognizes Iran's right to enrich uranium.

But the Iranian official said any acceptance of the protocols would be one of the last steps in implementing the plan.

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5-year-old children are as likely to suffer from bilharzia as their mothers

5-year-old children are as likely to suffer from bilharzia as their mothers

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Contact: Dr. Robert Tweyongyere
Public Library of Science

Children of women harboring the bilharzia (schistosomiasis) worm during pregnancy are more likely to suffer the infection by the age of five years, a new study publishing October 17th, 2013 in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases has found.

The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Makerere University, University of Cambridge and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) around the Entebbe peninsula of Lake Victoria in Uganda between 2005 and 2012.

Bilharzia is a disease caused by infection of blood flukes which enter through the skin in Uganda the culprit is mainly Schistosoma mansoni, which lives in the blood vessels of the intestines and lays eggs that pass out in faeces. When it rains, the eggs are swept into the lake where they hatch into young worms. The young worms enter snails, where they mature before being released back into the lake water where they seek out hosts to infect.

"The children are often infected when they accompany their mothers to the lake to collect water for domestic use," says Dr. Robert Tweyongyere, one of the lead researchers, working with Makerere University. The researchers examined expectant mothers for possible effects of Schistosoma mansoni and its treatment during pregnancy. Their results attribute the infection in the five-year-olds to their frequent access to the lake water and not the mothers' infection during pregnancy, as would be expected.

Currently, children five-years-old and younger are neglected during campaigns against bilharzia including distribution of medicines.

The fight against bilharzia, mainly through distribution of medicine (praziquantel) among affected communities, had largely ignored pregnant and breast-feeding women until 2002 when a World Health Organization team of experts recommended that treatment for bilharzia during pregnancy should be carried out. This recommendation has allowed women of childbearing age to be included in bilharzia control programmes. However, there is still limited information on the effects of bilharzia or its treatment during pregnancy on pregnant women and their offspring.

The researchers recommend that bilharzia control programs should also seriously consider including the children five-years-old and younger living in the communities at risk of bilharzia infection.

Maternal bilharzia or its treatment during pregnancy may have an influence on regulation of the body's immune responses to bilharzia worms. "This may have some effect on the progress of disease manifestations," says Dr. Robert Tweyongyere.

The study discovered that the number of children with and without bilharzia was not much different between those whose mothers were treated for bilharzia during pregnancy and those who were not.

"Provision of clean water, which may indirectly reduce mothers accessing the lake, would have a direct impact in reducing bilharzia infection in the children," says Prof. Alison Elliott of LSHTM working with UVRI. The researchers further recommend inclusion of sanitation and hygiene to help break the cycle by preventing eggs in faeces from getting to the lake by encouraging the affected communities to use latrines properly.

The researchers noted that more studies are needed to document and put to light any other outcomes that may be associated with bilharzia and its treatment during pregnancy on the offspring.


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5-year-old children are as likely to suffer from bilharzia as their mothers

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Contact: Dr. Robert Tweyongyere
Public Library of Science

Children of women harboring the bilharzia (schistosomiasis) worm during pregnancy are more likely to suffer the infection by the age of five years, a new study publishing October 17th, 2013 in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases has found.

The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Makerere University, University of Cambridge and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) around the Entebbe peninsula of Lake Victoria in Uganda between 2005 and 2012.

Bilharzia is a disease caused by infection of blood flukes which enter through the skin in Uganda the culprit is mainly Schistosoma mansoni, which lives in the blood vessels of the intestines and lays eggs that pass out in faeces. When it rains, the eggs are swept into the lake where they hatch into young worms. The young worms enter snails, where they mature before being released back into the lake water where they seek out hosts to infect.

"The children are often infected when they accompany their mothers to the lake to collect water for domestic use," says Dr. Robert Tweyongyere, one of the lead researchers, working with Makerere University. The researchers examined expectant mothers for possible effects of Schistosoma mansoni and its treatment during pregnancy. Their results attribute the infection in the five-year-olds to their frequent access to the lake water and not the mothers' infection during pregnancy, as would be expected.

Currently, children five-years-old and younger are neglected during campaigns against bilharzia including distribution of medicines.

The fight against bilharzia, mainly through distribution of medicine (praziquantel) among affected communities, had largely ignored pregnant and breast-feeding women until 2002 when a World Health Organization team of experts recommended that treatment for bilharzia during pregnancy should be carried out. This recommendation has allowed women of childbearing age to be included in bilharzia control programmes. However, there is still limited information on the effects of bilharzia or its treatment during pregnancy on pregnant women and their offspring.

The researchers recommend that bilharzia control programs should also seriously consider including the children five-years-old and younger living in the communities at risk of bilharzia infection.

Maternal bilharzia or its treatment during pregnancy may have an influence on regulation of the body's immune responses to bilharzia worms. "This may have some effect on the progress of disease manifestations," says Dr. Robert Tweyongyere.

The study discovered that the number of children with and without bilharzia was not much different between those whose mothers were treated for bilharzia during pregnancy and those who were not.

"Provision of clean water, which may indirectly reduce mothers accessing the lake, would have a direct impact in reducing bilharzia infection in the children," says Prof. Alison Elliott of LSHTM working with UVRI. The researchers further recommend inclusion of sanitation and hygiene to help break the cycle by preventing eggs in faeces from getting to the lake by encouraging the affected communities to use latrines properly.

The researchers noted that more studies are needed to document and put to light any other outcomes that may be associated with bilharzia and its treatment during pregnancy on the offspring.


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Celebrity Head-to-Head: Jens Pulver on UFC 166

This week I square up against former UFC lightweight champion Jens Pulver to take sides and break down the three biggest fights on Saturday’s UFC 166 card in Cagewriter’s new Head to Head feature. Read on to see who you agree with and decide if Jens blows my arguments out of the water as easily as he’d knock me out in a real fight.

Cagewriter: Time and again I’ve underestimated Junior Dos Santos and been proven wrong. True, Junior is not only by far the best puncher in the UFC’s heavyweight division, but I’ve often made the erroneous assumption that his punching is pretty much the only thing he’s got going for him.

Dos Santos has proven myself and so many other critics wrong but I can’t help but pick against him once more as he takes on champion Cain Velasquez this Saturday. In their first fight, in 2011, Dos Santos showed precisely why he’s so scary by knocking Velasquez clean out in the first round.

In their second fight, Dos Santos was taken out of his game from the get-go and was dominated for five rounds before losing his belt back to Velasquez by decision. Junior showed incredible conditioning, resilience and fighting spirit even in losing badly to Velasquez, but he still basically has just one way to beat Cain – by knocking him out.

[Related: Cain Velasquez vs. Junior dos Santos is UFC's first big-time rivalry]

Cain, on the other hand, can conceivably put Dos Santos out, or take him down en route to a decision or submission win. Velasquez may not have the one-punch KO power that the Brazilian does, but he has many more tools.

Velasquez can punch, kick, wrestle and push a pace that Dos Santos has shown to struggle with on his heels. Additionally, I think Velasquez’ teammate, wrestling coach and fellow UFC 166 main-card fighter (more on that below) Daniel Cormier is right that this fight is happening too soon for Dos Santos.

Dos Santos reportedly went into his second fight against Velasquez last December with a serious health condition, the result of over training. He got bullied and severely beaten in that fight, of course, and then went on to fight again in May. Sure, Dos Santos won that bout against Mark Hunt but he had to go through nearly three full rounds and, of course, a tough training camp leading up to it.

In the span of just 10 months, Dos Santos will have gone through three training camps and three fights and at least one spectacular brain beating. The damage sustained through all that is nothing to sneeze at and his mind and body could probably use some extra rest before taking on Velasquez again.

Cormier has said that Dos Santos, great as he is, simply has not had enough time in between fights with Cain to improve and make adjustments necessary to win. That sounds about right.

Dos Santos did virtually nothing right against Velasquez ten short months ago. Can he do a 180 degree turn on Saturday?

I’m picking Cain by 4th round stoppage over a game but fading Dos Santos.

What say you, Lil Evil?

Jens Pulver: Junior does have a lot to change up if he wants to beat Velasquez again but I think he can do it. Last time, Junior got rushed, out-worked and beat up.

Cain came in with that impressive stamina but also an impressive will to win. Cain had lost his belt and wanted it back.

Junior, now you are the one that doesn’t have the belt. If you’re hungry and you want it back, now you have the chance to be the hungry one out for redemption. Last time it looked like he was winded or that his heart wasn’t in it but you know that it can’t be like that this time around.

Size difference

One big thing that Junior needs to use in his favor this time around is his size. Junior, oh my God, you’re a specimen. You’re huge. You need to slow Cain down by making him hold on to you, make him carry you around.

You want to land a hook? Set it up. Beat him when he comes in, because he’s going to come in. Cain charges. When he does, grab a hold of him. Make him expend a lot of energy to either get the take down or get back out and get the distance to strike.

If Cain just gets to go out there and pot-shot you again, out-speed you, then you’re going to have an issue. Push him against the cage. Hold him. Hit him with that hard hook, but you’ve got to set the hook up.

Cain has hit a different level with his fighting and if you give him an opportunity, he’s going to run over the top of you but he’s the smaller guy. It shouldn’t even be possible. He shouldn’t be able to run over the top of you. Junior is bigger and strong so if Cain is going to get take downs it cannot simply be from running over the top of Junior like he did the last time, with ease.

When Junior wants to strike he’s got to use his foot work and set the hook up behind a hard right hand or off of a jab. He’s got to throw in combos. It is much easier said than done, but Junior, you can’t let Cain dictate the pace of the fight and run over the top of you.

Cain is going to out move Junior. I know a lot about being the smaller guy like Cain will be. Being the littler guy, Cain is going to be bouncing around out there. So Junior, you’re going to have to have great stamina. You’re going to have to push Cain off at times and get up off the ground. When you do that, guess what? Cain may take you right back down and you may have to do it all over again.

You have to have a lot of gas in that tank, man. Without your lungs and legs, Cain is going to melt you. He’s going to hurt you with his conditioning. We already know that Cain is going to come in crazy shape. So, you have to match that. If you are sweating that and are just hoping to go out there and land a bomb, it’s not going to happen.

Importance of conditioning

The biggest thing about a five round fight is who is better conditioned. I won a world title and held a world title for one reason and one reason only – I wasn’t the most skilled but my gas tank was ridiculous and I knew it. I knew that come the third round, I’m just starting to hit my stride. Come the fourth and fifth, I know they are melting. If I feel a little burn in my lungs, I know their lungs are on fire. You have to have that confidence going into it.

You’re right that in order to beat Cain, Junior will have to hit him. Junior will have to knock him out like he did the first time.

But I’m going with the guy with the bigger punching power. Junior has the power and if he has a good strategy and conditioning, he’ll have his chances to land that power.

When Cain is blasting and charging into you with takedowns or combs, he’s giving you the space. Again, it is easier said than done – I’m not saying that any of this is easy – but Velasquez will close the distance and Junior will have his chance to connect with big shots while he’s doing it and opening himself up.

Daniel Cormier vs. Nelson

Cagewriter: Alright, my bias towards elite wrestlers who learned how to strike is about to become super obvious. I love the grudge match co-main event between Velasquez’ teammate and former Olympic wrestler Cormier and Roy “Big Country” Nelson but this is an easy one to pick for me as well

Look, Cormier absolutely does not want the full-bodied Brazilian black belt Nelson on top of him for any extended period of time and he cannot let the bearded brawler land his over hand right flush on the chin – both situations could spell disaster for Cormier – but I don’t think Nelson will get close to doing either.

[Related: Daniel Cormier refuses to underestimate Roy Nelson]

Cormier will more than likely be able to control whether or not the fight ever goes to the ground and on the feet, he is the far more diverse and quicker striker. I think Cormier touches up Nelson on the feet with quick feet and hands before taking it to the ground in the late rounds and either grinding or taking out Nelson on the ground with strikes.

Be real, Jens, do you see it going differently?

Jens Pulver: Man, I never mind picking the under dog or the guy with KO power. I’ll take Nelson in a second.

Cormier has so much hype behind him and an incredible wrestling pedigree. He’s also accomplished a ton in MMA in a short period of time. The sentimental part of me goes for “Big Country,” though.

There’s just something about Roy Nelson and that something is that he can hit you and he can knock you out. And, I love it.

I’m not going by who looks the best on paper, who’s faster, who’s got more skills, who’s younger. I’m going with the guy that can end the fight at any second here.

The KO factor

On their feet, I don’t fear Cormier’s punching power as much as Nelson’s. Cormier, like good wrestlers are, is great at grabbing you, moving around you, holding you against the fence, taking you down and landing damaging punches that will ultimately end the fight. But on the feet, the man that can win with the one-punch knock out is “Big Country.”

[Related: By all appearances, Roy Nelson worth watching at UFC 166]

By the same token, if Nelson gets put on his back by Cormier, I think he’ll be stuck there. That wrestler is just going to be able to come off to the side and control him. That’s what wrestlers do.

Wrestlers are made to pin you on your back and leave you on your back. That’s why they almost feel as comfortable in your guard as a jiu jitsu player feels off of his back.

How much energy will Big Country expend, how much confidence will he lose, every time he’s got to get his butt off the mat? Nelson’s timing is going to have to be on point.

If Cormier just wants to settle in on Nelson on the ground, it will be hard for Nelson to get up. Wrestlers are great at setting down on you and not letting you move when they want to. Matt Hughes was great at that. When Matt Hughes wanted to just power down on you he quickly went from being a 170 pounder to feeling like a 250 pounder. When they want to knuckle down and hold you there, wrestlers make it real hard for anyone to move. When they lighten up to throw punches, you’ve got to utilize that time for your scramble.

When Cormier is throwing punches, that’s the only time that Nelson will likely have to get under him or knock him off balance. That will be the same on the ground. When Cormier is on top of Nelson and is throwing strikes and shifting his body, Nelson will have to find space and time to get back to his feet.

“Big Country” has just done some great things out there with his hands, the way he fights and I’m always going to go for him. I gotta hope for it.

Gilbert Melendez vs. Diego Sanchez

Cagewriter: I can’t argue with you saying that Dos Santos and Nelson are the guys in their fights most capable of ending the fight suddenly at any point, Jens. Now it’s my turn to pick the underdog.

In a sense, former training partners Sanchez and Melendez are similar fighters. Both don’t mind scrapping on their feet and both look for take downs and are excellent ground grapplers with insane conditioning. However, Melendez is certainly the more fluid striker and wrestler with Sanchez only holding an on-paper advantage in ground grappling.

Still, I’m going with Sanchez. Simply put, it is nearly impossible to look good against “The Dream.” The kid may look ugly doing it, but he always gets in your face and forces a gritty, scrambling, knock down, drag out battle. In those types of fights, anything can happen.

[Related: Gilbert Melendez, Diego Sanchez ready for long-awaited fight]

I’m picking Sanchez to withstand damage on the feet and on the bottom on the ground from Melendez before slightly tiring out the former Strikeforce champ, reversing positions on the ground and putting Gilbert into deep waters off of his own back late in the fight.

Jens Pulver: You’re right that Gilbert and Diego are similar in ways. Everything Diego can do, Gilbert can also do.

I’m not going to say that Gilbert is better, but I will say that he is the fighter with all the momentum. I love Gilbert’s style and I love the way he fights. Plus, he is just on a tear.

The value of momentum

Diego has had so many fights, has been in the UFC for so long that I think he’s in the place where sometimes your momentum or confidence or whatever you want to call it, goes down. Right now, Gilbert is on fire and that psychological component can make a huge difference in a fight.

Gilbert can do the same things Diego can – scrap on the feet, wrestle, go for submissions – but I think he’s more in tune with that style right now than Diego seems to be. I do see this as a close fight, though.

Gilbert is definitely going to look to pound Diego out on the ground after knocking him down or taking him down but it will be a matter of whether or not Diego can withstand that. On paper, he’s got the skills.

Win the scramble, win the fight

The fight could end up being a stand up battle and I think Gilbert can land some good shots there. Melendez is absolutely the better wrestler but if he takes it to the ground and Diego is able to avoid taking too much damage, Gilbert might have to stand back up, sit back and do more damage on the feet before possibly transitioning back to the ground to finish.

I think the fight will really come down to the transition from the take down to getting to the side to getting the back, to getting a better position, etc. It will be about the scramble that ensues following the take down.

I think Gilbert wins that fight. When Gilbert takes you down, he’s already passing your guard on the way to the ground. He’s looking to create that scramble and capitalize on it.

I’m not really banking on a submission unless there is a great deal of fatigue later on in the fight but I think putting on damage is Melendez’ bread and butter. He’s on a roll right now and he’s staring at the title. His momentum right now is pretty tough to stop.

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

IsoHunt to Shut Down After Settlement With Hollywood Studios

The Motion Picture Association of America has announced that it has reached a settlement with the operators of IsoHunt, one of the larger BitTorrent indexers, which in its heyday was handling several million torrents for some 7.5 million unique visitors. 

After being sued by Hollywood studios for massive copyright infringement, IsoHunt will now shutter, according to the terms of the deal, and the parties have jointly asked a California federal court to enter a judgment of $110 million against the defendants. The settlement also is said to include a global prohibition against founder Gary Fung further profiting from the infringement of MPAA member studio content.

EARLIER: Studio Fight Against IsoHunt Gets Trial Date 

“Today’s settlement is a major step forward in realizing the enormous potential of the Internet as a platform for legitimate commerce and innovation,” said former Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman and chief executive of the MPAA. “It also sends a strong message that those who build businesses around encouraging, enabling and helping others to commit copyright infringement are themselves infringers, and will be held accountable for their illegal actions.”

The development comes in advance of a scheduled trial date next month; the MPAA had been aiming to collect hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.

It also occurs after a ruling last March by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to affirm the liability of IsoHunt for inducing users to infringe plaintiffs’ copyrighted material through the trading of popular movies and TV shows. The plaintiffs, led by Columbia Pictures, originally submitted 44 infringed works, but later said there were thousands of movies and TV shows being infringed by IsoHunt. The appeals court rejected Fung's contention that his service was just indexing what was out there, saying it had “red flag” knowledge of a broad range of infringing activity.

IsoHunt's lawyers declined comment.

The settlement likely will mean the end of the company, which is currently ranked as the 426th most-visited website on the Internet, according to

Twitter: @eriqgardner

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A Clever Perpetual Calendar That Hides a Secret Compartment

A Clever Perpetual Calendar That Hides a Secret Compartment

We’re still a few months away from a NYE countdown, but stores have already started stocking up on organizers to help us keep our collective 2014s in working order. If you’re keen to have an analog, desk-side reminder of days and dates and *also* need a spot to stow keepsakes and special papers, well—you’re in luck, buddy.



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'Franklin & Bash' Renewed for Fourth Season at TNT

TNT has renewed Franklin & Bash for a fourth season.

The summer drama, which wrapped its third season in August, will be back with another run of 10 original episodes as part of the Turner-owned network's summer lineup. 

The legal dramedy, which stars Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Breckin Meyer as young, unconventional attorneys, will join fellow summer scripted originals, including Falling Skies, Perception, Rizzoli & Isles and Major Crimes. In its Wednesdays at 9 p.m. slot, the series closed its third season with 2.2 million total viewers, up 200,000 compared to its season premiere. Of the network's summer lineup, only King & Maxwell failed to get the renewal. 

The renewal for the former bubble series comes as TNT is ramping up its original fare in a bid for year-round scripted programming. TNT next will launch Frank Darabont's Mob City in December and has The Last Ship and Legends due next year. 

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More Angst For College Applicants: A Glitchy Common App

Thousands of students apply to college each year using the online Common Application. But a flawed overhaul of the system has left many students and parents frustrated.

Thousands of students apply to college each year using the online Common Application. But a flawed overhaul of the system has left many students and parents frustrated.

For many high school students this year, the already stressful process of applying to college has been made far worse by major technical malfunctions with the Common Application, an online application portal used by hundreds of colleges and universities.

"It's been stressful, to be honest," says Freya James, a senior in Atlanta applying to five schools — all early admissions. The Common App has been a nightmare, the 17-year-old says.

"No one likes applying to college anyway, and this is supposed to help and it's made it worse," she says. "I have spent a good number of hours just sitting there refreshing the page, doing nothing terribly productive except for trying to get this thing to work. ... It's not useful; it's not doing what it's meant to do."

The Common Application has been around for more than 30 years and has long made the application process easier for students and schools. With one common form, students are able to apply to dozens of schools at once.

But the number of schools using the form has more than doubled over the past decade. What was once used mainly by small liberal arts schools is now accepted by more than 500 institutions.

The nonprofit that runs the form, also called Common Application, had touted a major upgrade of software and applications as a way to streamline the process even more. Instead, the digital makeover has been a bust and a big mess for many students and higher education officials.

"Application Armageddon"

"There have been issues with being able to import the application itself, with receiving the supplemental materials like the transcripts or letters of recommendations, those kinds of things," says Lisa Meyer, dean for enrollment at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Ore.

We did test the system. But what we couldn't test was tens of thousands of people hitting the system at the same time using multiple kinds of browsers.

"Those are very big things. It's very hard to read an application when you don't have a transcript to look at. ... So I think the colleges have been scrambling a bit," she says.

Other serious technical problems include payments that take days to register or registering duplicate payments. Other students complain they simply couldn't log in, while others were repeatedly logged off for inactivity after waiting hours to submit their applications.

Then there's the personal essay, a key part of the admissions process. A formatting glitch left many students' essays looking like a giant stream-of-consciousness blur with no spaces, paragraphs or indentations.

Many high-schoolers are ranting against the Common App on Twitter. Some of the kinder comments: "I'm freaking out, the common app isn't working"; "The common app is kind of the worst thing ever"; "The common app is broken ... so we're all just not gonna go to college, ok."

Irena Smith, a college admissions consultant based in the San Francisco area, says the problems are adding more stress for her student clients. "It's starting to look like application Armageddon," she says. And an official with the National Association for College Admission Counseling says, "There is a bit of panic in the community."

Schools Look For Backup Plans

A growing number of colleges and universities are now rolling back early admissions deadlines or trying to reassure students that they won't be penalized for technical failures of the Common App. As Columbia University, which has extended its early admission deadline, put it on its website, "We hope this announcement helps to relieve some of the stress and anxiety you might be feeling as the application deadline approaches."

In a statement, Common Application says it's "committed to resolving these issues promptly." Scott Anderson, the company's senior director for policy, says some of the problems have been resolved, but he concedes that others persist.

"We did test the system. But what we couldn't test was tens of thousands of people hitting the system at the same time using multiple kinds of browsers," Anderson says.

Many parents and school administrators, however, are frustrated and angry. "I think this has been a debacle, and the Common App board and leadership should be ashamed," says Valerie Weber, chairwoman of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Commonwealth Medical College in Pennsylvania — and mother of a high school senior currently applying to college.

"How they have handled the mess will be a case study in business schools for years to come about how not to handle a PR catastrophe — hunker down, ignore and refuse to answer questions," Weber says.

A Lesson For Procrastinators?

Some in higher education are cautiously hopeful that the technical problems will be resolved by Nov. 1, the early admissions deadline for many schools, but others are getting nervous. Some schools are starting to make backup plans that include email, snail mail — even dusting off the fax machine. "That is certainly one of the things we are considering doing," says Meyer of Lewis and Clark College.

Mary Beth Fry, director of college counseling at Savannah Country Day School in Georgia, cautions students and parents to take a deep breath. "Everyone at the Common App and the colleges is doing his best, and — as some colleges' extensions of early action or early decision deadlines will attest — colleges are going to do what's best for everyone."

Admissions consultant Smith sees a "teaching moment" in all this: Some teenagers prone to procrastination may now be prodded into getting their applications done — early.

"In some ways it's nice to learn, as we do as adults, that you can't always anticipate that everything will go smoothly," she says. "It's nice to plan for contingencies and to get things done a little bit ahead of time."

But when that lesson comes with potentially crippling anxiety, she adds, maybe it's not such a great way to teach it.

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Today in History

Today is Friday, Oct. 18, the 291st day of 2013. There are 74 days left in the year.

Today's Highlight in History:

On Oct. 18, 1962, James D. Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins were honored with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology for determining the double-helix molecular structure of DNA.

On this date:

In 1685, King Louis XIV signed the Edict of Fontainebleau, revoking the Edict of Nantes that had established legal toleration of France's Protestant population, the Huguenots.

In 1812, during the War of 1812, the British ship HMS Frolic was captured off the Virginia coast by the crew of the USS Wasp, which was in turn captured by the HMS Poictiers.

In 1867, the United States took formal possession of Alaska from Russia.

In 1892, the first long-distance telephone line between New York and Chicago was officially opened (it could only handle one call at a time).

In 1912, black boxer Jack Johnson was arrested in Chicago, accused of violating the Mann Act because of his relationship with his white girlfriend, Lucille Cameron. (The case collapsed when Cameron refused to cooperate, but Johnson was later re-arrested and convicted on the testimony of a former mistress, Belle Schreiber.)

In 1922, the British Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (later the British Broadcasting Corp.) was founded.

In 1931, inventor Thomas Alva Edison died in West Orange, N.J., at age 84.

In 1944, Soviet troops invaded Czechoslovakia during World War II.

In 1961, the movie musical "West Side Story," starring Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer, premiered in New York, the film's setting.

In 1969, the federal government banned artificial sweeteners known as cyclamates (SY'-kluh-maytz) because of evidence they caused cancer in laboratory rats.

In 1971, the Knapp Commission began public hearings into allegations of corruption in the New York City police department (the witnesses included Frank Serpico).

In 1972, Congress passed the Clean Water Act, overriding President Richard M. Nixon's veto.

In 1977, West German commandos stormed a hijacked Lufthansa jetliner on the ground in Mogadishu, Somalia, freeing all 86 hostages and killing three of the four hijackers.

In 1982, former first lady Bess Truman died at her home in Independence, Mo., at age 97.

In 2001, CBS News announced that an employee in anchorman Dan Rather's office had tested positive for skin anthrax. Four disciples of Osama bin Laden were sentenced in New York to life without parole for their roles in the deadly 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa.

Ten years ago: Pope John Paul II celebrated a Mass at the Vatican marking the 20th anniversary of his election to the papacy. The New York Yankees defeated the San Diego Padres, 9-3, to take a 2-games-to-none lead in the World Series.

Five years ago: President George W. Bush, speaking at Camp David, said he would host an international summit in response to the global financial crisis, but did not set a date or place for the meeting. Anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr urged Iraq's parliament to reject a pact that would extend U.S. presence in Iraq for three years. Soul singer Dee Dee Warwick died in Essex County, N.J. at age 63.

One year ago: In a case that would go to the Supreme Court, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled that a federal law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman is unconstitutional and said the gay population has "suffered a history of discrimination." Just 48 hours after a confrontational debate, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney appeared at the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York. Obama joked that he did better in the second presidential debate because he got a good long nap in the first one, while Romney quipped that the white-tie gala gave him and his wife Ann the chance to dress as they do around the house. The Detroit Tigers completed a four-game sweep of the New York Yankees, winning the finale of the American League Championship Series 8-1. The St. Louis Cardinals beat the San Francisco Giants 8-3 to take a 3-1 lead in the National League Championship Series.

Today's Birthdays: Rock-and-roll performer Chuck Berry is 87. Sportscaster Keith Jackson is 85. Actress Dawn Wells is 75. College and Pro Football Hall-of-Famer Mike Ditka is 74. Singer-musician Russ Giguere is 70. Actor Joe Morton is 66. Actress Pam Dawber is 63. Author Terry McMillan is 62. Writer-producer Chuck Lorre is 61. Gospel singer Vickie Winans is 60. Director-screenwriter David Twohy (TOO'-ee) is 58. International Tennis Hall of Famer Martina Navratilova is 57. Boxer Thomas Hearns is 55. Actor Jean-Claude Van Damme is 53. Actress Erin Moran is 53. Jazz musician Wynton Marsalis is 52. Actor Vincent Spano is 51. Rock musician Tim Cross is 47. Tennis player Michael Stich (shteek) is 45. Singer Nonchalant is 40. Actress Joy Bryant is 39. Rock musician Peter Svenson (The Cardigans) is 39. Actor Wesley Jonathan is 35. Rhythm-and-blues singer-actor Ne-Yo is 34. Country singer Josh Gracin is 33. Country musician Jesse Littleton (Marshall Dyllon) is 32. Jazz singer-musician Esperanza Spalding is 29. Actress-model Freida Pinto is 29. Actor Zac Efron is 26. Actress Joy Lauren is 24. Actor Tyler Posey is 22.

Thought for Today: "Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast — you also miss the sense of where you are going and why." — Eddie Cantor, American comedian-singer (1892-1964).

(Above Advance for Use Friday, Oct. 18)

Copyright 2013, The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Google Stock Hits Record High $1,011.41

Google stock rose 14 percent on Friday to $1,011.41, the highest the stock has been in its nine-year history.

Shares soared $122.61, the biggest one-day point gain ever, a day after the company reported quarterly earnings that were better than Wall Street had expected.

On Thursday, Google said revenue was up 12 percent year-over-year to $14.89 billion, and the company's net income was $3 billion, up from $2.2 billion.

Google went public for $85 a share in 2004, and it has never split. Investors who got in at the IPO price are sitting on a gain of 1,090 percent.

After Friday's big jump, Google is the third largest company in the U.S. in terms of market capitalization, behind Apple and Exxon Mobil.

Google's market cap Friday was $336.82 billion, more than the combined market caps of Walt Disney, Time Warner, Viacom, CBS and Sony.


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Oculus Rift's John Carmack says a new Rift dev kit is in the works, sees consumer model running Android (video)

Oculus Rift's new Chief Technology Officer John Carmack says a new Oculus Rift dev kit is in the works and will arrive in developers' hands before the retail unit ships some time next year. In an interview with Engadget this morning, Carmack also spelled out what he sees as the future of the Rift's ...

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Datawind's Sub-$50 Android Tablet Hitting The UK Soon, Next-Gen Device Matches iPad Specs On Paper

The Datawind Aakash tablet made headlines when it promised to deliver a full-featured Android device for just under $50 a couple of years back, and now the company and the device have shared some new info regarding their progress at Wired’s 2013 London event. Datawind CEO Suneet Tuli revealed that so far, the company has shipped around 1 million low-cost tablets, with plans in the pipeline that could see them increase that number exponentially both in India and in other developing markets around the world.

Part of those plans include introducing its low-cost hardware in the west for the first time, via retail sales to kick off in the UK by the end of the year. Four different models of the Aakash (called the UbiSlate now per official trade dress) will be available to UK buyers, starting at £29.99 for the UbiSlate 7Ci (Aakash2), and ranging up to £99.99 for the UbiSlate 3G7. Tuli told me via email that the company’s upcoming Aakash4, which has a processor and RAM that actually exceeds the current iPad’s on paper (with a 1.5GHz dual-core A9 processor, and 1GB of RAM), will be available as well, and will be branded as the UbiSlate 7CZ.

The Aakash4 represents a major technological leap forward for the Aakash, made possible by continued downward pressure on the pricing of components used in smartphone and tablets, and by Datawind’s ownership of its own LCD panel and touch screen production, when its original supplier unfortunately had to close up shop. Tuli said that, in fact, they found that the margins on manufacturing touchscreens were much better than those on their device business, but rather than switch which business they were in, they used that price advantage to drive down the overall cost of their products.

That’s been to their lasting advantage, and after some initial hiccups (including shipping delays and potential government disinterest in the product, which Tuli previously addressed), the company seems to be on track to starting to make good on its vision of a world where even some of the poorest people in the world can get online with a smart, connected device. Datawind has also been criticized by some for focusing too much on Aakash hardware, but Tuli says the company is more focused on delivering Internet to those that lack it. Accordingly, they’re working on deals that should allow them to ship Aakash tablets with free basic browsing connections by year’s end, which solves the other half of the equation between devices and service for getting those typically unplugged online.

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Liam Hemsworth's Girlfriend Eiza Gonzalez Looks To Be Catching Fire In A Not So Mellow Yellow Dress!

Eiza Gonzalez seen out at Hooray Henry's without Liam Hemsworth

Gurl, all you need is some orange and you could be mistaken for the girl on fire aka Jennifer Lawrence!

Liam Hemsworth's girly girl girlfriend Eiza Gonzalez was seen out for another girls night with her friends at Hooray Henry's in West Hollywood.

The Hunger Games actor's gal was seen in a SHOCKINGLY bright yellow dress and was smiling and loving the attention she was getting!

Maybe gurlfriend is feeling alone since Liam is off filming in Atlanta, and showing up at Ashlee Simpson's birthday celebrations, so she just HAD to go out with her friends!

That or she's worried Liam might go back to Miley Cyrus so she had to remind him what he's missing while filming!

Or maybe she's simply doing some more celebrating in regards to her meeting at Universal Studios the other day!

Whatever the case may be, Eiza looked like she was having fun and definitely trying to remind Liam who he thinks the "sexiest woman ever" actually is!

[Image via NGRE/AKM-GSI.]

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Senators seek budget deal, House GOP effort flops

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, with House GOP leaders, speaks with reporters following a Republican strategy session, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013. Behind Speaker Boehner are House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., the Republican Conference chair. House GOP leaders Tuesday pitched a plan to fellow Republicans to counter an emerging Senate deal to reopen the government and forestall an economy-rattling default on U.S. obligations. But they stopped short of promising a vote later in the day after the plan got mixed reviews from the rank and file. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, with House GOP leaders, speaks with reporters following a Republican strategy session, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013. Behind Speaker Boehner are House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., the Republican Conference chair. House GOP leaders Tuesday pitched a plan to fellow Republicans to counter an emerging Senate deal to reopen the government and forestall an economy-rattling default on U.S. obligations. But they stopped short of promising a vote later in the day after the plan got mixed reviews from the rank and file. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, is followed by reporters as he leaves Capitol Hill, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013, in Washington. The partial government shutdown is in its third week and less than two days before the Treasury Department says it will be unable to borrow and will rely on a cash cushion to pay the country's bills. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

From left to right, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif., Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., and Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., speaking with members of the media outside the West Wing of the White House following their meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013, in Washington. The partial government shutdown is in its third week and less than two days before the Treasury Department says it will be unable to borrow and will rely on a cash cushion to pay the country's bills. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) — Senate leaders are optimistic about forging an eleventh-hour bipartisan deal preventing a possible federal default and ending the partial government shutdown after Republican divisions forced GOP leaders to drop efforts to ram their own version through the House.

Pressured by the calendar, financial markets and public opinion polls, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., were hoping to shake hands on an agreement Wednesday and, if possible, hold votes later in the day.

Driving their urgency were oft-repeated Obama administration warnings that the government would exhaust its borrowing authority Thursday and risk a federal default that could unhinge the world economy. Lawmakers feared that spooked financial markets would plunge unless a deal was at hand and that voters would take it out on incumbents in next year's congressional elections — though polls show the public more inclined to blame Republicans.

"People are so tired of this," President Barack Obama said Tuesday in an interview with Los Angeles TV station KMEX.

Feeding concerns were a warning Tuesday from the Fitch credit rating agency that due to the budget impasse it was reviewing its AAA rating on U.S. government debt for possible downgrade. Stock markets gave negative reviews as well, with the Dow Jones industrial average and Standard & Poor's 500 index both dropping Tuesday by nearly 1 percent.

Aides to Reid and McConnell said the two men had resumed talks, including a Tuesday night conversation, and were hopeful about striking an agreement that could pass both houses.

It was expected to mirror a deal the leaders had neared Monday. That agreement was described as extending the debt limit through Feb. 7, immediately reopening the government fully and keeping agencies running until Jan. 15 — leaving lawmakers clashing over the same disputes in the near future.

It also set a mid-December deadline for bipartisan budget negotiators to report on efforts to reach compromise on longer-term issues like spending cuts. And it likely would require the Obama administration to certify that it can verify the income of people who qualify for federal subsidies for medical insurance under the 2010 health care law.

But that emerging Senate pact was put on hold Tuesday, an extraordinary day that highlighted how unruly rank-and-file House Republicans can be, even when the stakes are high. Facing solid Democratic opposition, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, tried in vain to write legislation that would satisfy GOP lawmakers, especially conservatives.

Boehner crafted two versions of the bill, but neither made it to a House vote because both faced certain defeat. Working against him was word during the day from the influential group Heritage Action for America that his legislation was not conservative enough — a worrisome threat for many GOP lawmakers whose biggest electoral fears are of primary challenges from the right.

The last of Boehner's two bills had the same dates as the emerging Senate plan on the debt limit and shutdown.

But it also blocked federal payments for the president, members of Congress and other officials to help pay for their health care coverage. And it prevented the Obama administration from shifting funds among different accounts — as past Treasury secretaries have done — to let the government keep paying bills briefly after the federal debt limit has been reached.

Boehner's inability to produce a bill that could pass his own chamber likely means he will have to let the House vote on a Senate compromise, even if that means it would pass with strong Democratic and weak GOP support. House Republican leaders have tried to avoid that scenario for fear that it would threaten their leadership, and some Republicans worried openly about that.

"Of all the damage to be done politically here, one of the greatest concerns I have is that somehow John Boehner gets compromised," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a former House member and Boehner supporter.

With the default clock ticking ever louder, it was possible the House might vote first on a plan produced by Senate leaders. For procedural reasons, that could speed the measure's trip through Congress by removing some parliamentary barriers Senate opponents might erect.

The strains of the confrontation were showing among GOP lawmakers.

"It's time to reopen the government and ensure we don't default on our debt," Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash., said in a written statement. "I will not vote for poison pills that have no chance of passing the Senate or being signed into law."


Associated Press writers David Espo, Andrew Taylor, Charles Babington, Stephen Ohlemacher, Henry C. Jackson and Donna Cassata contributed to this report.

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