Sunday, October 28, 2012

Do Not Get Caught Off Guard When It Comes To Commercial Real ...

You can make a lot of money in the commercial real estate market. It?s not for everyone though because of the huge investments and stakes.

Whether you are buying or selling, don?t shy away from negotiation. Be sure that your voice is heard so that you can get yourself a fair price on the property you are dealing with.

When interviewing potential brokers, ask them to tell you about their experience level with the type of commercial investments you are interested in. Be sure that they specialize in the area that you are buying or selling in. Make sure you find an exclusive agreement that works for you and your broker.

TIP! When considering an investment, one should consider the possible consequences of economic inflation within the next decade. In years gone by, leases might have a clause to protect signers from rapid inflation.

Real Estate

If the lease you are signing is for commercial real estate, be careful when presented with a form that says standard lease. The largest real estate companies are known to fill their lease documentation with wordy clauses including hidden requirements. Standard commercial leases may be full of such clauses, so it?s important that you actually read the document before signing.

Before purchasing any property, you should investigate its area to determine the average income level, unemployment rate and whether or not that area is growing. Commercial property near hospitals or schools have higher property values; these properties are also easier to sell.

TIP! Define yourself as an expert in your field by writing a regular blog on your business website. Doing so may open up opportunities for you to sell your available properties or arrange for new deals.

It?s likely that the property you buy will need some repairs and work before you move in. The improvements can just affect surface appearance like painting the walls or moving furniture around. In many cases, the changes include moving walls to rearrange the floorplan. When negotiating, you should discuss who will pay for the improvements you?ll have to make, and should see if the current owner will cover some of your costs.

If you want to sell a property, advertise it locally and on a wider level too. Many make a mistake in assuming that the only people who want to buy their commercial real estate property are those who are local buyers. Many private investors are willing and able to purchase properties outside their immediate community if the price is right.

Real Estate

TIP! If you are investing in real estate, consider going big. If you want to get a building that has five units, you need to know that?s it?s no different to manage than 50.

It is critical when you are in the market for real estate that you know how to discern between a good deal and a not-so-good deal. Those who are pros at real estate can quickly tell a great deal from a bad one. Pros understand when they need to walk away from some deals, so they always have an exit strategy ready to put into play when it is necessary. They can also see when there are extensive damages to be fixed, how to determine whether risks will pay off and do calculations to ensure that the property meets their future financial goals.

Let people know the exact amount of square footage available. Two different measurements are commonly used in commercial real estate. One is a measurement of the usable square footage based on the available square feet based upon space that can be used by the business. The other measurement is total square feet, which will include walls and spaces that cannot be inhabited. Try to obtain both measurements, in order to really understand how much space is under consideration.

Find out how different real estate agents negotiate before you choose one. Ask how they were trained and how much experience they have. You also want to check into the methods they use and make sure they are ethical when doing business. Request additional information or examples of the results from previous negotiations.

TIP! When you are hunting for a permanent home for your growing business, keep in mind that size matters. Take into account any plans for expansion.

If you rent or lease the commercial properties you own, keep them occupied as much as possible. Maintenance and upkeep costs for commercial property can be substantial and rental income is essential for paying those costs. If you notice that you have several vacant properties, try to find out why, and look at ways of enticing tenants back in.

Buy property with more units. The more units you have, the easier you can spread out the wealth you are receiving from each of them. Some buyers won?t even consider properties that contain fewer than ten units, because they believe that more units means more income to be made.

If you desire commercial property for rental purposes, locate buildings that are simply yet solidly constructed. A well-built building will attract tenants quickly because tenants want a property that is solid. They are also easier to keep in good repair and require less repairs, which will save you and your tenants money over time.

TIP! Figure pest control into your rented or leased commercial real estate property costs. This is important in less desirable locations where rodents and/or bugs are an issue.

Do a walk-through of each property on your short list. Think about asking a contractor to assist you in evaluating each of the properties, since they will likely see things that you may miss. Set the stage for future negotiations by putting forth the preliminary proposals. Judge the counteroffers prior to making a decision either way.

A good starting point for people looking to purchase real estate is to go online and scour the treasure trove of beneficial information that can help new investors, as well as seasoned professionals. You can?t be too informed about the subject, so try to always be seeking out new sources of knowledge.

You could earn a lot of money with commercial real estate. Major investments of both time and money are required to ensure your success. To make this happen, put the advice you just learned in the above article to use.

TIP! Prior to making any purchase, consult with your tax adviser. A tax adviser can let you know how much money the buildings will cost you, and the amount of your income that will be taxable.


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Warsaw museum to celebrate Jewish life in Poland

(AP) ? The box-like glass building rises from soil marked by tragedy in the heart of Warsaw's former Jewish district. At certain angles, its luminous facade reflects the outlines of a dark memorial to those who fought and died in the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the Nazis.

Yet despite reminders of Jewish suffering all around, the modern building will soon open as a key remembrance site of a mostly upbeat Jewish story, becoming home to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, a major new museum dedicated to the 1,000 years of Jewish existence in Polish lands.

"It is a museum of life," said Sigmund Rolat, a Polish-born Holocaust survivor and American benefactor who has helped bring the museum to life. "We are showing 1,000 years of a magnificent history."

Construction of the building is nearly finished and the museum is scheduled to open in 2013 after nearly 20 years of planning. It will be a celebratory moment for those who have struggled to build a home for this story, among them Polish-born Holocaust survivors with a deep affection for their land of birth: Men like Rolat, 82, and Tad Taube, 81, a Krakow-born entrepreneur who leads two California-based philanthropies that have given $16 million dollars to the project.

The museum fulfills a dream of Jews from around the world to preserve the rich legacy of their ancestors by creating what will be the first-ever museum of Polish Jewish history. Meanwhile, the Polish government, a major partner, also seeks to celebrate both the country's Jewish past and its own past eras of cultural tolerance and diversity. In doing so, the young democracy hopes to burnish its Western credentials and shed a reputation for anti-Semitism that has hung over it in recent decades.

Jewish history was largely ignored in the communist era, and the fact that the museum has risen with the help of the Polish government makes it a monument to a new consciousness and wealth.

"No doubt it is thanks to democracy in Poland that this museum could be created," said Warsaw Mayor Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz.

The project has faced a number of delays, some caused by the global financial crisis that for a time discouraged donations needed to complete the more than $100 million project. A public-private initiative that relies heavily on private funding, the museum has also struggled at times to persuade Jews abroad to help a project "in a country which they feel has not been particularly friendly to Jews," Taube said.

"This was not a slam dunk," Taube said. "But it got easier as the project rose from the ground. Doubts began to be erased."

Museum officials say it will open in stages, with educational and cultural programs starting in April to mark the 70th anniversary of the doomed Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Then in December the heart of the museum is scheduled to open: a core exhibition of eight interactive multimedia galleries organized chronologically. Using diaries, memoirs, film footage and other original sources, the story will unfold in the voices of those living in the historical moment.

With its opening, the museum is expected to join the ranks of world-class Jewish history museums like Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

What will set it apart will be its focus not on tragedy, but on creation, achievement and life. In keeping with that theme, the Warsaw museum will devote just one of the eight galleries to the Holocaust. Visitors, in fact, will not be able to access the Holocaust gallery without passing first through at least one other gallery, a reminder of the life that came long before and which still exists today in Poland's small but growing Jewish community.

The museum will show that the Holocaust ? carried out by Adolf Hitler's Germany ? was never the inevitable result of relations between Poland's Jews and Christians, despite periods of conflict. Still, museum creators say they will not shy away from showing ugly episodes of Polish anti-Semitism that led to economic boycotts, persecution and even massacres in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The complex message can be expected to challenge stereotypes held by some Poles and some Jews.

Poles, many of whom view their nation exclusively as a land of heroism that resisted the Nazi occupation, have reacted with defensive outrage in past years when acts of anti-Semitic violence during and after the war came to light. It's easy to imagine new controversies erupting when the museum opens and the Polish public is again confronted with oppression of Jews.

Meanwhile, many Jews across the world carry an image of Poland that ignores some nuances. Some view Poland exclusively as a land of suffering for their people, and remembrance trips to Poland tend to consist mostly of visits to Auschwitz, Treblinka, the Warsaw Ghetto memorial and other memorials to tragedy. In many cases their forefathers left Poland in the worst possible moments, with memories of suffering lingering in families. They will be asked to see that Poland, over 1,000 years of history, was for long eras a land that welcomed Jews and where they thrived.

"You don't live in a place for a thousand years and create a great civilization if it's one unmitigated disaster, which of course is one of the perceptions of the history of Polish Jews," said Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, the program director of the core exhibition. "It's a perception that was largely created by the cataclysmic events of the Holocaust. But we don't start with the Holocaust, and we don't end with the Holocaust."

There is much to commemorate. The uninterrupted existence of Jews in Poland over a millennium brought great achievements to Hebrew and Yiddish culture, to science and the arts. Polish Jews also contributed in significant ways to the larger Polish culture, with poets like Julian Tuwim still loved today, studied in schools and remembered in streets names across Poland.

On the eve of World War II, the country was home to Europe's largest Jewish community, with 3.3 million people, or 10 percent of the entire Polish population. Most were killed in the Holocaust.

"This museum honors those who died by remembering how they lived ? and how they lived for a thousand years," Kirshenblatt-Gimblett said.

The flourishing of Jewish culture and learning had an influence that reached far beyond Poland, and the museum will celebrate this legacy too. Israel's early leaders included Polish-born Jews like David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin. Poland was also the homeland of many who contributed to American and global culture: Albert Sabin, who developed a vaccine for polio; Isaac Bashevis Singer, the Nobel-winning writer whose books powerfully evoke the lost Yiddish world of his youth; Hollywood pioneers Harry Warner and Samuel Goldwyn; pianist Arthur Rubinstein and entrepreneurs like Max Factor and Helena Rubinstein.

The museum's central story of long life interrupted by tragedy is also carried in the striking architecture of the building, designed by Finnish architect Rainer Mahlamaki. On the outside, it is a square box of glass panels and perforated copper that emits a sea-green hue across a vast park-like square. Its lines are simple, sharp. On the inside, visitors enter a soaring hall with undulating sand-colored walls rising in curves. The chasm shape stands as a metaphor for both the parting of the Red Sea ? a reference to the Jewish Biblical past ? and the rupture in history created by the Holocaust.

To reach the core exhibition, visitors descend a staircase and enter an installation of sounds, light and graphics that evoke a poetic forest, a reference to the primeval forests of Poland that the first traveling Jewish merchants would have encountered 1,000 years ago. They will hear the word "Po-lin," which is the Hebrew word for "Poland" and also means "rest here," a reminder of how Poland became a land where Jews did indeed find rest after persecutions and expulsions from Spain and the German lands.

Visitors then leave the space of legend to enter a history that began in the 11th century, passing through periods that held both good and bad.

Associated Press


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Solid waste bylaw targets junk mail | Te Waha Nui


Hundreds of millions of kilograms of junk mail are delivered to households in New Zealand each year.


A huge amount of the advertising mail is thrown away without a look, and even when it is recycled it?s all going to end up in the landfill eventually.


Auckland Council is establishing one solid waste bylaw to replace the bylaws of the city?s seven former councils.


Part of the plan is the new littering bylaw which says only official agencies can post unaddressed mail to letter boxes marked ?no circulars?, ?no junk mail?, and the like.


Statistics New Zealand estimates households get more than 116,000,000kg of junk mail delivered each year.


In 2006 a Christchurch man collected a 70kg, 1.71m stack of unaddressed mail, the majority being advertising from home improvement and electrical stores.


Waitakere Refuse and Recycling Centre?s waste contract co-ordinator Jan Eckersley says junk mail gets stuffed into letter boxes already full of junk mail.


?It drops out of letter boxes and is found lying on the street and it blocks drains.


?The litter?s a big issue with junk mail, I think the last time we did a litter survey it comprised 16 per cent of litter items.?


Operations leader at the Waitakere Refuse and Recycling Centre Laurie Blair says he sees a lot more people recycling junk mail.


?I use myself as an example . . . I?ve got my recycle bin and I usually go straight from the mail box to the recycling bin.?


But Eckersley says junk mail does not always get recycled.


?Some people will just stuff their junk mail in their rubbish bag rather than recycling it and we?re trying to encourage people to recycle as much as possible.?


According to Letterboxer, an anti-junk mail organisation, recycling is not a sustainable solution. Paper can only be recycled five to seven times before the wood fibres become too damaged.


Sylvia Devlin, stakeholder relations manager at the Marketing Association, does not believe advertising mail has a negative environmental impact.


?We believe it?s a bit of a red herring.?


In the United States 5,600,000t of advertising material ends up in the country?s landfills each year.


Devlin says the exact number of pieces of junk mail delivered in New Zealand each year is unavailable.


?The numbers of catalogues and mailers have been increasing [in the past 10 years] but the size of them has generally been decreasing.


?We do know the cost of delivery is around $80 million per year. Unaddressed mail is the largest marketing expense for most New Zealand retailers and it is because of its effectiveness.?


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Saturday, October 27, 2012


  • On AirLoading

    Grab your favorite beverage, settle in & join Jammin Jukebox as they play some of the best Indie music they've uncovered anywhere. The perfect compliment to the Fall season.

  • On Air

    Lee Hawkins has interviewed some of the most influential people in the world of entertainment, sports and politics such as Lady Gaga, 50 Cent, Michael Vick, Dana White, Magic Johnson, Kelly Clarkson, Al Roker, Adrian Grenier, Soulja Boy & the list just goes on

  • James Yardley, contributor to American Thinker, and I will discuss Libya and the political impact on Pres Obama and the upcoming election.

  • The Chefs welcome David Shields, Author of over a dozen books to discuss his new book entitled, Baseball is just Baseball. David has recently won two PEN awards.

  • Rosarian & educator on rose culture, Paul Zimmerman join us to talk about the recent results of the Rose Hills Rose Trials and will also have an update on the Rose Trials at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC

  • "Those Diner and Motorcycle Guys" Garrison Leykam and Scot Doane rev up your Saturday morning with guests former Kawasaki PR exec Jan Plessner who is now a headhunter for the motorcycle industry and Peter Catucci of the band KillSmith.

  • Tune into the show today at Noon ET for our live broadcast from Arizona where I will be speaking at the Yavapai Tea Party pre-election rally. We will also have former SNL star Victoria Jackson on to discuss being an outspoken conservative in Hollywood.

  • Paul Gant's GO4IT radio(@goforitgant) will be joined by Tennessee Titans Kicker Rob Bironas who will discuss his season and more. Also, we will be joined by Hall of Famer Willie Roaf who discuss all things NFL.

  • The return of Dale Earnhardt Jr. has NASCAR buzzing, but questions remain as to how NASCAR will look into head injuries remain. This will be a big topic in this week's episode.

  • Running into the Callywood Nation 2012 Silver Medal Angelo Taylor & #1 Best selling author Suzy Duffy join the Callywood Nation.

  • Nicholas Snow reports live from a rally in support of Dr. Raul Ruiz for Congress. Dr. Ruiz is running neck and neck against Mary Bono Mack in the 36th Congressional District.

  • Join us on Your15Minutes Radio as we welcome Law & Order: "SVU? star Tamara Tunie discussing her role in "Flight" with Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle opening in Theaters Nov.2. Join the conversation on Twitter @your15minradio

  • Linux has proven itself to be an important operating system and is used today by millions. However, it's up against Windows and Apple's OS X. And now with both Windows 8 and OS X Mountain Lion, the pressure is on to upgrade! Or is NOW the time to try Linux?

  • Chris Mascaro and Angelo Cane welcome former Colts All-Pro LB Jeff Herrod back to Thursday Night Tailgate. We'll talk with Jeff about his warrior mentality that led to multiple concussions and upcoming surgery to repair his disfigured hands wrists and elbows.

  • Guy Kawasaki returns! This time around Guy will talk about his new book, What the Plus.

  • Hosts Ken, Monica & Brenda Brown of Brenda Brown Entertainment welcome Fantasy Fiction author Dawn Tevy & London's musical sensation Barb Jungr to discuss Dawns' release 'Angels & Warriors' and Barb Jungr's song 'Stockport to Memphis

  • WWF World Wrestling Champion Diamond Dallas Page also known as @RealDDP will be doing it The EZ Way on ExWayBroadcasting. Be sure to tune in to hear his story!

  • Nick Bryant, author of two books on the precarious status of America?s children and an expert on child trafficking and sexual abuse, says the latest child abuse cover-up by the Boy Scouts, as reported in the Los Angeles Times, is bunfortunately only the latest

  • Oku Nagba Ozala Onuora (born Orlando Wong, March 1952), known as the "father of Jamaican dub poetry" is a Jamaican dub poet and performer. Orlando Wong was born in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1952. He grew up in the slums of Eastern Kingston's Franklin Town.

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    Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve: HOW TO DIE ...


    A Short Story



    From my Creative Writing Archives:

    Here is one of my recent pieces of creative writing - a fiction short story I wrote last year, on a day the stock market was fluctuating wildly. That time I had titled the story PUNTER but now I feel the underlying message is much more.

    Do tell me if you liked the story.

    He was not a Bull.?

    He was not a Bear.?

    He was a Punter.?

    Yes, that?s we nicknamed him: ?Punter?.

    He did not bother about gobbledygook like fundamentals or technicals.?

    He did not have an inkling of financial algorithms and risk heuristics and never ?analyzed? ? he just speculated by sheer gut feeling.

    He instinctively knew how to time the market.?

    That?s why he always made money, whether the stock market boomed or crashed. He had made so much money that he could have retired and enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle, but then, he had got addicted to making money by playing the stock market.

    Yes, he got a kick out of ?making? money rather than ?enjoying? his money.?

    So despite his advancing years he kept on playing the market with more and more vigor and continued to make more and more money.?

    Earlier he would spend his entire time in the ring at the Stock Exchange on?Dalal Street.?

    Now he would sit all day, all stressed up, in his room, glued to his TV, flipping all the financial channels, his fingers on his laptop for instant online trading via the internet.?

    He had no interests, no hobbies, no pleasures, no loves ? he just enjoyed one thing ? playing the stock market and making money.?

    One day his lifestyle took its toll and he had a heart attack.?

    They rushed him to the best hospital in Mumbai and they all said he would require a bypass surgery.?

    So they admitted him to the best room in the hospital.?

    Instead of relaxing there, he sat whole day watching the stock-market channels on the wall-mounted TV, doing feverish online trading on his laptop and he continued making a lot a money and he was very happy. But the doctors were not happy and said that all this share-market business was causing him a lot of excitement which was not good for his already erratic heart, so one morning they suddenly removed the TV and the laptop and even banned all visitors except me and his son, who was a successful investment banker. ?Total rest,? the doctors warned all of us, ?he needs total rest, both mental and physical, and only then will he be able to stabilize and be ready for the surgery.?

    It was the first time he had to suffer a day of total rest isolated from the outside world and it was the worst day of his life.?

    The entire morning he kept asking about stock prices and asked me for my cell-phone to connect up and find out, but I refused since we were told to strictly isolate him from that world.?

    I could realize that he was passing though hell, unimaginable mental agony at not getting information about the very thing that had been his bread and butter, even the?raison d'etre?of his existence. After lunch he dozed off, and then he suddenly he woke up and asked me, ?What is the time?? ?Good. There is still time. I want to speak to my son.? ?He is coming at 4...? ?No. I want to speak to him now. It is urgent.? ?He?ll be busy now, in his office?? ?I told you it is urgent. Just get him on the phone?? he said excitedly, his breathing getting heavy.

    ?Okay. Okay. Calm down,? I said.?

    I dialed his son?s mobile number, and when the son came on line, I asked him to speak to his father. ?Sell all shares,? the man shouted at his son via the mobile phone. ?What?? I could hear his son?s surprised voice. ?Don?t ask any questions. Just do what I say. Sell all my shares, understand, all my shares, everything. Do it now. Today. Before the closing bell. Sell everything online. Right now. You know the user id and?password of my account, don't you...? ?Okay, Papa,? I could hear his son?s voice before he disconnected. He kept on pestering me to ring up his son and confirm, so I rang up his son half an hour later. ?Yes, Papa, I have sold all the shares in online trading,? the son confirmed. The old man seemed tremendously relieved and went to sleep peacefully.

    That night, at home, sitting before my TV set, I watched with concern as all the share-market experts on the financial channels predicted that the market was very solid and bullish and recommended that everyone buy shares as the market was going to go up and up.?

    ?Invest ... Invest ... Invest ... Buy ... Buy ... Buy ...??all the experts said in unison.?

    The market was at an all time high but things were looking so good that it was going to rise phenomenally and your investment would probably double in a few months, all the experts predicted. They kept quoting analysis in jargon I never understood to substantiate their predictions.

    Next morning the stock-market crashed.?

    It was the biggest fall ever in the history of the share-market.?

    Most investors were wiped out.?

    Everyone incurred big losses. Except the old man and me.

    Did I say: ?The old man and?me???

    Dear Reader, you?re surprised, aren?t you??

    Let me tell you what I did.?

    The moment the Punter had finished speaking to his son, I went outside the room and I called up my broker and told him to immediately sell off all my shares.

    The Punter had made a huge profit and, as always, along with him, I too had made a small fortune.?

    As always, I had blindly followed the Punter and, as always, I had profited by blindly imitating whatever he did in the stock market. The moment he heard the news (from a careless nurse who told the old man that the hospital was abuzz with news of the stock-market crash) the Punter got so excited that he almost went crazy with excitement and happiness. The frenzy of ecstasy caused his blood pressure to go haywire, his heartbeats ran amok, and suddenly, he collapsed and died. I gave a condolence speech at the old man?s funeral in which I praised him profusely and told everyone how I had made a fortune in the stock-market by just following him blindly.

    Later,?the old man?s?son took me aside and asked me, ?Did you really sell all your shares??

    ?Yes,? I said, ?I had blind faith in your father.? ?I wish I had blind faith in his mysterious ways. But I am an investment banker. I don?t go by gut instinct, like my father did. I analyze things. I never imagined the stock market would crash so badly. In fact I thought the market would go up and it would be foolish to sell such excellent blue chip shares. So, I never sold those shares. I am big fool. Had I listened to him and sold all the shares I would have made a big fortune. But I did not sell those shares,? said the young man, with a tone of regret in his voice. ?You never sold the shares??? ?Then why did you lie to him?? ?Because I wanted him to die happy. I lied to my father because I wanted my father to die a happy death.?


    Copyright ? Vikram Karve 2012 Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.?

    ? vikram karve., all rights reserved.

    Did you like reading this story??
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    Foodie Book:? Appetite for a Stroll

    About?Vikram Karve

    A creative person with a zest for life, Vikram Karve is a retired Naval Officer turned full time writer and blogger. Educated at IIT Delhi, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, The Lawrence School Lovedale and Bishops School Pune, Vikram has published two books: COCKTAIL a collection of fiction short stories about relationships (2011) and APPETITE FOR A STROLL a book of Foodie Adventures (2008) and is currently working on his novel and a book of vignettes and short fiction. An avid blogger, he has written a large number of fiction short stories, creative non-fiction articles on a variety of topics including food, travel, philosophy, academics, technology, management, health, pet parenting, teaching stories and self help in magazines and published a large number of professional research papers in journals and edited in-house journals and magazines for many years, before the advent of blogging. Vikram has taught at a University as a Professor for 15 years and now teaches as a visiting faculty and devotes most of his time to creative writing and blogging. Vikram Karve lives in Pune India with his family and muse - his pet dog Sherry with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts.

    Vikram Karve Academic and Creative Writing Journal:?
    Professional Profile Vikram Karve:?
    Vikram Karve Facebook Page:??
    Vikram Karve Creative Writing Blog:?

    ? vikram karve., all rights reserved.


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    Friday, October 26, 2012

    Hugh Jackman: My mom abandoned me

    Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

    By Bruna Nessif, E! Online

    Unfortunately, Hugh Jackman has felt pain and loss at a very young age.?The award-winning actor shared the story of being abandoned by his mother, Grace, when he was only 8 years old and living with his two brothers and two sisters in Sydney.

    Jackman tells Australian Women's Weekly his mom decided to move back to the U.K., and broke the news through a telegram the following day. It wasn't until he was around "12-13" years old that the now-Hollywood star realized his mother wasn't coming back.

    Wolverine dances "Gangnam Style"!

    "One of the main things I remember is that horrible feeling that people were talking about you and looking at you because it was odd for the mother to leave," he said.

    Tracey Nearmy / EPA

    "The thing I never felt, and I know this might sound strange, I never felt that my mum didn't love me. I've spoken about it at length with her since and I know she was struggling. She was in hospital after I was born suffering from post-natal depression," he added. "There wasn't a support network for her here."

    Happy birthday, Hugh!

    Jackman -- who recently celebrated his 44th birthday?-- ?has two beautiful children, Oscar, 12, and Ava, 7, with wife Deborra-Lee Furness, and he shares that becoming a parent helped him understand the type of pressures his mother was under.

    In case you didn't know, Hugh Jackman's a movie star!

    "I think having kids of your own just adds another level of empathy and understanding," he says. "And there comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life."?

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    New materials may help prevent infections by blocking initial bacterial attachment

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 26, 2012) ? Bacteria's ability to cling to virtually any surface is a vexing problem in the medical community. Engineering a surface that can easily slough off these dangerous bugs has, until recently, had limited success. Recently, however, a team of British researchers has discovered a new class of materials that resists bacterial attachment. Now these scientists from the University of Nottingham, U.K., are ready to set out on the approval process that will take their research to the clinical testing stage, paving the way for medical applications.

    The researchers will present their findings at the AVS 59th International Symposium and Exhibition, held Oct. 28 -- Nov. 2, in Tampa, Fla.

    To date, scientists have been unable to fully explain how bacteria are able to adhere so durably to virtually any surface. Despite this limited understanding of bacteria-material interactions, the Nottingham researchers were able to screen thousands of different chemical combinations for resistance to bacterial adhesion. The studies revealed that one particular class of compounds, acrylates with hydrophobic groups, proved highly resistant to bacteria's sticky tendencies.

    "The new materials are to bacteria what non-stick cookware is to food," said Andrew Hook, a researcher at the Nottingham School of Pharmacy. "Bacteria can stick to the surface of [traditional] medical devices and form a community, known as a biofilm, where the bacteria become highly resistant to antibiotics and the immune system."

    By preventing the biofilm from forming on devices in service, the new materials help the immune system to simply eliminate the bacteria as if the device had never been inserted. In contrast, current antibacterial materials, like silver, actually kill bacteria.

    After the new non-stick materials were identified, they were successfully tested on surfaces in the laboratory and on standard medical devices, such as catheters, within an animal model. In laboratory studies of the new materials, the researchers found a 96.7-percent reduction in bacterial coverage compared to commercially available silver-containing catheters for the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.

    By coating medical devices with the optimal polymer composition of one of this class of acrylates, for example the compound tricyclodecane-dimethanol diacrylate that the researchers tested, scientists believe they can prevent bacteria from attaching and also prevent associated infections, which could reduce health care costs.

    The researchers are now ready to take their research to the next level and prepare the regulatory package to begin clinical trials. They hope the trials will show that by denying bacteria a foothold on medical equipment in humans, the chances of a patient contracting a medical device-associated infection are much lower.

    Nottingham pharmacy professor Morgan Alexander hopes that since no antibiotics are used this will lead to a method to reduce infections from bacteria without the risk of antibiotic resistance developing. "The challenge now is to have materials recognized by the medical device industry," Alexander said. "That would allow us to develop products for specific applications. There's a lot of potential to improve human health, but we need to prove that."

    The researchers are in discussions with potential partners to develop coated devices and are hopeful their material could reach the market in 5 to 10 years.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing, via Newswise.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Thursday, October 25, 2012

    CNN takes down 'hormones' voting story after backlash

    ( story headlined "Do hormones drive women's votes?" sparked a social media backlash that lasted for seven hours Wednesday before the network removed the post late that night.

    The story, posted in the website's medical and health section Wednesday afternoon, began, "There's something that may raise the chances for both presidential candidates that's totally out of their control: women's ovulation cycles."

    The story cited a new study to be published in Psychological Science by Kristina Durante, an assistant professor in the marketing department at the University of Texas at San Antonio and the study's main author. Durante's online surveys of several hundred women led her to conclude that when they are ovulating, single women espouse more liberal beliefs, while married or committed women gravitate toward more conservative views.

    (The same journal published a study in October concluding that the more muscular a man is, the more likely he is to support government policies that serve his self-interest, such as low taxes for the rich if he is wealthy.)

    CNN said Durante hypothesized that single women "feel sexier" when ovulating and thus "lean more toward liberal attitudes on abortion and marriage equality." Married women, trying to resist their "sexy" feelings, do the opposite.

    Durante wrote in an email to Yahoo News that there were some "misunderstandings" of her research in the CNN piece, but did not elaborate. "While we recognize that studies of gender and behavior are often controversial, we stand behind the integrity of this study and the journal," a spokeswoman for The Association for Psychological Science said in a statement. The spokeswoman added that Durante's comments about the research "are hers alone."

    A barrage of women took to Twitter to mock the premise that women vote with their hormones, and wondered why a similar story was not written about the biochemical changes of men and how they affect their votes.

    "When I ovulate I'm all 'DEFICIT SPENDING SPURS THE ECONOMY' but when I'm not I want to privatize Social Security," joked one?of the thousands of people to weigh in on the story there.

    The author of the CNN post, Elizabeth Landeau, defended the story, writing on Twitter that it was a peer-reviewed study and that she included skepticism from political scientists.?Landeau quoted Paul Kellstedt, for instance, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University, who said the study leaves out that men's behavior is also affected by biochemical changes.?Another political scientist, Susan Carroll of Rutgers, was quoted as saying the difference between voting preferences of married and single women is better explained by the difference in their economic statuses and other nonhormonal factors.

    When CNN took down the post, it appended a note that read, "Some elements of the story did not meet the editorial standards of CNN." CNN spokesman Matt Dornic told Yahoo News the story "did not channel through the standard internal process and it was not reviewed by senior editorial staff before appearing on As recognized by our leadership, audience and critics, the piece did not meet the journalistic standards of CNN and should not have appeared on our site.? We had an obligation to remove it."


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    L.A. council votes to ban stores from selling non-rescue dogs, cats ...

    A dog waiting for adoption at the L.A. Animal Service facility in West Los Angeles

    Los Angeles lawmakers on Wednesday voted in favor of an ordinance that will make L.A. the largest city in America to ban pet stores from selling dogs, cats and rabbits obtained from commercial breeders.

    The ordinance, which the City Council voted 12-2 to approve, targets puppy mills and is designed to cut down on the tens of thousands of animals euthanized each year in city shelters.

    Under the law, individuals will still be allowed to buy directly from breeders, and pet stores will be allowed to sell animals that come from shelters, humane societies and registered rescue groups. Stores found to be selling animals from breeders may face misdemeanor charges and a first-time penalty of $250.

    Animal rights activists hailed L.A.?s approval of the ban as a signal to other large cities to follow suit. Irvine, Hermosa Beach and West Hollywood are among the more than 30 cities across the United States and Canada that have passed similar measures in recent years, according to Elizabeth Oreck, who has been leading the legislative effort on behalf of Best Friends Animal Society.

    L.A.'s ban also sends a message, she said, to breeders who frequently cut corners to keep costs low at the expense of the animals.

    ?They?re inbred, they?re overbred, they're irresponsibly bred,? Oreck said.

    But pet shop owners complained the ordinance is misguided and unfair.

    ?It?s just making us suffer,? said Candice Ro, whose family has been selling small dogs, including Yorkshire Terriers and English Bulldogs, at its Koreatown pet shop for 11 years.

    Ro said her store, Olympic Pet Shop, buys nearly all of its dogs from local breeders who take good care of their animals. ?If we were getting puppy mill puppies that were sick we wouldn?t have stayed in business this long,? she said.

    The ban was championed by Councilman Paul Koretz, a longtime supporter of animal rights who said lawmakers have a duty to stick up for animals who ?cannot speak for themselves.?

    The measure was opposed by Councilman Mitchell Englander, who voted against the ban along with Councilman Bill Rosendahl.

    Englander said the city doesn?t have the resources to enforce the law, and said it will put L.A. pet stores at a disadvantage. During economically difficult times like these, he said, government should be focusing on other things.

    ?With the limited resources we have, we?ve got to focus on the core services,? Englander said.

    Because Wednesday's vote was not unanimous, it must come back for a second reading next week.


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    -- Kate Linthicum at Los Angeles City Hall

    Photo: A dog waiting for adoption at the L.A. Animal Service facility in West Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council approved an ordinance that will ban pet stores from selling non-rescue pets. Credit: Los Angeles Times


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    Dog debarking policy raises howls of protest

    Sue Perry and Karen Mahmud, the owners of two debarked dogs, Porter and Lola, are demanding the American Veterinary Medical Association condemn the practice regarded as either barbaric mutilation or as the last resort of pet owners desperate to stop incessant noise.


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    Wednesday, October 24, 2012

    Apple unveils next-generation iMac with slimmer design and Ivy Bridge, starting at $1,299

    Apple unveils nextgeneration iMac with slimmer design and Ivy Bridge, starting at $1,299

    Who said Apple's event was all about the little things? Apple just unveiled its first redesign to its iMac desktop in three years. The new all-in-one makes the widely expected leap to Intel's Ivy Bridge Core i5 and Core i7 processors, but also represents a much leaner and meaner replacement for the 2009-era template -- its edges are just 5mm thick, and it's constructed with "friction stir welding" as well as a gapless, less reflective display that's laminated together with the glass. Screen sizes remain the same and include both a 21.5-inch, 1080p model and a 27-inch, 2,560 x 1,400 model -- sorry, no Retina displays this year. They share 720p-capable front cameras with dual mics as well as NVIDIA's GeForce 600-era graphics, up to 32GB of RAM and a panoply of storage options that peak at 3TB of spinning storage, a 768GB SSD or what Apple calls a Fusion Drive that mixes both 128GB of flash with 1TB or 3TB of conventional storage (a hybrid drive, for those of us who've seen it before). There's no optical drive unless you plug in a USB option.

    The 21.5-inch model ships in November, and will set you back $1,299 for a 2.7GHz Core i5, 8GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive; pony up for the 27-inch model at $1,799 and you'll get a 2.9GHz Core i5 as well as the same memory and storage. Apple's larger iMac doesn't ship until December, however, which will give some impulse buyers at least a brief respite.

    Gallery: iMac (2013)

    For more coverage, visit our Apple Special Event hub!

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    Apple unveils next-generation iMac with slimmer design and Ivy Bridge, starting at $1,299 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 13:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Kashmir: India has to go back By Zaheerul Hassn

    ashmiri living around the globe including both sides of Line of Control would observe October 27 as black day as a protest against Indian occupation on the same date of 1947. The day of landing Indian troops on Srinagar Airport to capture the valley against the wishes of inhabitants is remembered as black day of Kashmir history. The back ground of the issue reveals a trade of a civilized country with a cruel local ruler. What a Historical Trade concluded on March 16, 1846 when British Government through Treaty of Amritsar transferred for ever an independent possession of Kashmir to Gulab Singh for his willingness to pay rupees 75 Lac out of the total amount of indemnity demanded by them. Basically the deal was selling of Kashmiri nation along with their mother land in the hand of Gulab Sing. The revealed deal made two nations dagger drawn to each other. It converted South Asian region into nuclear zone which resulted into four wars, coupled with a never ending arms race between the neighbours since 1947.

    According to the spokes man of All Parties Hurriyet Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir since 1989 to 15 October 2012, total killing of innocent individuals were 93,801, Custodial Killings in various camps and jails were 6,996. Overall 1, 20,392 individuals have been arrested, structural damaged have been done to the property was 1, 05,955. Moreover 22,764 women have been injured and suffered with severe injuries, 10,042 women have been gang raped or molested and over 1, 07,441 kids have become orphaned.

    ?Kashmir Movement? basically started on the day when British have sold their territory. However, in 1931 struggle against Dogra rule came on lime lines when for the first time in the history, Kashmiri people openly opposed the cruelty of the rulers. In same year on July 13, twenty one (21) Kashmiri Muslims faced bullets and were martyred in Srinagar Central Jail. This day is known as Martyr Day of Kashmir and reminding us the blood of liberators.

    According to the partition plan, Hindustan was supposed to be divided on the religion bases into two major states Pakistan and India. The instruments of agreement relating to the Partition of India, the rulers of princely states were to be given the choice to freely accede to either India or Pakistan. They were also asked to take into account the demographic nature, history, geography and future prospects of their subjects. British?s never respected the rights of Kashmiri people; once again they left them on the mercy of Heri Sing in 1947. The Maharaja of Kashmir Hari Sing went against the will of predominantly Muslim majority and announced annexation of Kashmir with India. Actually almost 78.9% Muslims, 11.2 % Hindus and 8.6% Buddhas were inhabitants of Kashmir. The annexation of Kashmir with India was resulted due to an under hand deal between India and Lord Mountbatten.

    Thus, the conspiracy against newly created Islamic state has been started that can be ascertain from these two too facts, firstly, latest changes of partition plan has restricted to Punjab boundaries till Ferozepur , according to initial Plan Floura ( Indian City now ) would have been the boundary line between Pakistan and India . One of the vital purposes of changing the partition plan could be that single land route leading to Kashmir started from Pathan kot should fell into the Indian lap. Second fact could be established from Jagmon?s book ?My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir?. In that book he quoted Maharaja Hari Singh?s letter of October 26, 1947 to Lord Mountbatten and latter reply to Maharaja on October 27, 1947. He stated that Maharaja Hari Singh said, ?The conditions obtaining at present in my state and the great emergency of situation as it exists?. Hari Singh further reveled that they do not have any option but to ask for help from Indian Dominion?. He further explained that naturally they cannot send the help as asked by the Singh of India. Author of the book ?Jagmom? have also expressed that Hari Sing against the will of the Kahsmiri nation had decided to attach the instrument of accession for acceptance and informed to the English rulers.

    In turn, Lord Mountbatten consented Hari Singh?s request and decided to accept the accession of Kashmir State to the Dominion of India. Lord Mountain has assisted Hari Singh while landing the troops to maintain law and order in Kashmir.

    A book ?Kashmir in Conflict? has unveiled the plot and indicated that Hari Singh did not reach Jammu until the evening of October 26. Anyhow, due to poor flying conditions, V P Menon was unable to get to Jammu until the morning of October 27, by that time Indian troops have been landed in Srinagar. Therefore, Maharaja?s act of fraudulent has been proven because he would not have written the letter to Lord when agreement with Pakistan was already in force. In short capturing of Kashmir against masses desires have already been planned between Hari Singh, British?s and Indian rulers.

    On this fraudulent act of Hari and Britishes, Kashmiri and their Muslim brothers stood up for snatching their rights from the aggressors and prepared the force of locals Mujahids who started their march toward Jammu & Srinagar. On October 22, 1947 Pashtun tribesmen from North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, came all-out for the help of Kashmiri Muslims. The struggles of locals for their rights converted into first Indo & Pakistan war. India started defending the stance of Heri sing and physically landed her forces on Srinagar Airport. The war which started actually on October 21, 1947 has lasted in December 31, 1948. India occupies roughly 101,387 km? of Kashmir. Pakistan occupies 85,793 km? (Later divided into Azad Kashmir (13,397 km?) and Northern Areas (72,496 km?). The UN decided that the fate of Kashmir will be decided in a plebiscite by the incumbents of the area.

    Anyway Indian rulers always tried to crush the Kashmiris through brutal actions of their armed forces. India always ignored UN resolution. Recently, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari while addressing UN forum, stated that Jammu and Kashmir was a sign of UN ?failure?. President Zardari?s statement was objected by Mr. Vinay Kumar, Minister Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations. In the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Mr. Kumar stated, said that Jammu & Kashmir is and has always been an integral part of India. In fact, Indian Government and its agents might need to attend a refresher course before they are sent as representatives to the United Nations.
    Kashmir was one among 560 princely states which had two choices before them; accession to India or to Pakistan at the time of partition. The majority Hindu states were either occupied or voluntarily join India. Given that Jammu & Kashmir is a Muslim majority, it is only just for it to accede to Pakistan. India has no legitimate claim on the people of Kashmir. Irony of the Issue is that Indian leadership does not want to live with peace and is reluctant to implement UN resolution on Kashmir. According to ?Times of India? report of October 22, 2012, Indian Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on attacked Pakistan for fomenting terror in India, He accused that Pakistan is helping infiltration bids into Indian Territory and organizing attacks on military convoys in J&K to spread fear.

    On contrary to it, India is involved in cross-border terrorism against Pakistan and dispatching terrorists in Balochistan and FATA while using Afghan territory. Her propaganda is aimed at negatively influencing the public opinions on terrorism and matters related to Indian armed forces brutality in Kashmir and Maoists area.
    Firing on Malala Yousafzai has also been carried out by Indian supported group of Taliban ?TTP?. The Indian home minister statement is giving clear indication that New Delhi is not serious in resolving regional the most sensitive matter of Kashmir. Concluding, I would like to say that world community should interfere to resolve the issue between two nuclear states since any Indian misadventure may lead the world in new global nuclear war. In short India should respect the Kshmiri?s opinions leave Kashmir and let Kashmiri decide to their fate.

    The writer can be approached through [email?protected]
    Kashmir: India has to go back | Pakistan News - Pakistan Views - Zameer36 Global Issues & World Politics


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    Assistant Professor Position: Drawing and Painting | Education

    School of Art, Design and Media Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Faculty Position in Drawing and Painting The School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, invites qualified academics to apply for a faculty position as Assistant Professor. Candidates with expertise in one or both of the following areas are encouraged to apply: 1) Traditional Drawing Include topics such as: life drawing, perspective rendition, drawing from observation, drawing from reference, sourcing reference, drawing from imagination, sequential drawing, drawing using a wide range of media, drawing within an Asian context, etc. 2) Applied Drawing Include topics such as: drawing for idea development, drawing for design, drawing in visual thinking, drawing within a digital workflow, drawing for animation, character drawing, etc. Applicants should possess a strong background in university-level teaching, including mentoring of final year undergraduate student projects and graduate student thesis projects. The successful applicant should have a terminal MFA or PhD. In lieu of an advanced degree, he or she must possess exhibition, performance, screening or related professional experience in his or her area of expertise commensurate with appointment at the Assistant Professor level. International applicants with a background in transdisciplinary and multicultural practice and research are also encouraged. The successful candidate is expected to maintain an active research/creative production profile, as well as a commitment to teaching and service in the form of administration and committee participation. An open, collaborative approach and willingness to work across areas and departments of the school and university is a priority. The school has excellent facilities, and there are many opportunities for creative work and funded research. Currently, ADM offers a four-year BFA program with six concentrations ? Digital Animation, Digital Filmmaking, Digital Photography, Visual Communication, Interactive Media, and Product Design. It is developing a BA in Art History and has started a PhD in Art, Design and Media. ADM?s programs embrace imagination, innovation, and critical thinking within a strongly multicultural and global context, and they foster individual authorship as well as collaboration and cooperation among diverse fields and constituencies. Undergraduate students at ADM follow a one year Foundation programme during which they are introduced to key disciplines in art history and theory, 2D design, 3D form, 4D time-based media and drawing. The successful candidate will be expected to work closely with this programme and to liaise with the six majors of the school in the ongoing development of curricula. The salary offered will commensurate with experience and qualifications. Information on emoluments and general terms and conditions of service is available on the University website. Further information about the University and the School can be viewed at the following websites: NTU : ADM : To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for Submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment ( and send your application package [consisting of cover letter, curriculum vitae, personal particulars form, teaching statement, research statement, names and addresses of at least three references (do not send letters of recommendation or placement files), and evidence of work in the field. The evidence may be in the form of DVDs, CDs, websites, and scanned copies (text)] to: The Search Committee School of Art, Design and Media Nanyang Technological University 81 Nanyang Drive, Level 3 Singapore 637458 Email: [email protected] Applications must be clearly marked ?Assistant Professor Position: Drawing and Painting, School of Art Design and Media?. Electronic submission of application is encouraged. Closing date for applications: 30 November 2012. The successful candidate is expected to assume duty after August 2013.

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    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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    Former Boston Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine will give his first sit-down interview Tuesday night with Bob Costas on "Costas Tonight" at 10 p.m. on NBC Sports Network.

    The Red Sox finished in last place in Valentine's only season managing the team. He was fired at the end of the season.


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    Obama, Romney battle over foreign policy

    A police officer stands outside the debate hall at Lynn University before the final U.S. presidential debate in Boca Raton, Florida October 22, 2012. REUTERS\/Joe Skipper","date":"Mon, Oct 22, 2012 11:07 PM EDT","credit":"Reuters","byline":"JOE SKIPPER","provider":"Reuters","photo_title":"A police officer stands outside the debate hall at Lynn University before the final U.S. presidential debate in Boca Raton","pivot_alias_id":"police-officer-stands-outside-debate-hall-lynn-university-photo-003205391","plink":"\/photos\/police-officer-stands-outside-debate-hall-lynn-university-photo-003205391.html","plink_vita":"http:\/\/\/photos\/police-officer-stands-outside-debate-hall-lynn-university-photo-003205391.html","srchtrm":"A police officer stands outside the debate hall at Lynn University before the final U.S. presidential debate in Boca Raton","revsp":"","rev":"ba38e130-1cbe-11e2-9ffc-0882d836e28d","surl":"http:\/\/\/bt\/api\/res\/1.2\/_3xIQu8VDn3ta8VqVaCdMA--\/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD01NjtxPTg1O3c9ODg-\/http:\/\/\/en_us\/News\/Reuters\/2012-10-23T030252Z_5_CBRE89L1NKW00_RTROPTP_2_USA-CAMPAIGN.JPG","swidth":88,"sheight":56}]};

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