Monday, October 8, 2012

Article Marketing ? Write Book Reviews and Combine Reading With ...

The online marketing funnel comprises a lot of components. One of them is article marketing and today we will treat the topic of book reviews. By reading this article you will find out the details of book reviews and how you can use them to make money online. As an online marketer you will have to read a lot of your business specific literature. So why not write a review and publish it online?

A review follows a certain structure, as all articles do. Take it into consideration and just start:

1. Introduction

Tell your readers why you are going to write the review, what it can serve for and give a short summary of the book?s content. Write a short bio of the author.

2. Center part

The center part is the review. Discuss the motive and the pro and cons of the book?s arguments. Point out positive and negative arguments. Explain them. Make a connection between the book and your online business. Tell your readers what they can learn and how they can apply this knowledge to their online businesses.

3. Summary of arguments

Make a summary of your book review and come to honest conclusions for your and your readers? online business. You might want to give advice. Keep it simple and honest.

4. Link your Amazon account to the article

By linking your Amazon account to your review you might put the book you wrote the review about on the list, even other books about the same topic. For your readers this might be of interest in order to learn more about the topic.

5. Publish the review

Make an orthography and keyword check and publish your review on an article marketing site like Hubpages or Squidoo, for instance. Bookmark the review and send it to the social sites.

Article marketing is a most interesting part of the online marketing funnel. As I mentioned at the beginning, you will have to read a lot of books about your online business, so why not share your knowledge, spread the book?s information by fomenting yourself as an expert doing the very review of this book?

Your readers will appreciate your information.

Article Marketing - Write Book Reviews and Combine Reading With Making Money Online

Ellen Graeger is a convinced online marketer using Attraction Marketing Methods for her Online Marketing Opportunities: Best attraction marketing training online with the RenegadePro tutorials. Learn to use all free elements of the Online Marketing Funnel, as article marketing, social marketing, bookmarking and a lot more.

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